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Courtney Reardon

Courtney is a Spirit Medium who practices her craft in various ways in order to communicate with spirit. Be it through direct channeling of spirit, ancestral Celtic tea leaves, Norse runes or the use of tarot & angel cards Courtney will find the best fit for your reading and help to connect you with the spirits that surround you.
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Card and Rune Readings

Angel Cards, Tarot Cards & Norse Runes can provide great insight on a current situation or question you may have. They also bear messages from your angels and spirit guides. A card reading is a fun and connected way to receive some guidance on any aspect of life.

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Medium Readings

Medium readings allow you to contact with those who have crossed over -- be they someone you knew and loved dearly in this life, an ancestor or spirit guide. Readings can be one-on-one, in groups/parties or in large galleries.


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Tea Leaf Reading

Tea Leaves are an ancient form of divination utilized in many cultures. Having a strong connection with her Irish and Scottish roots, Courtney carries on the ancestral tradition of "seeing" through the tea leaves.


Ready to schedule a reading or have some additional questions?
Email Courtney here!

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